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Want to hear more from us? Then here's some of our favourite hangouts...
Jubilee Business Park,
2 Jubilee Pkwy,
Derby DE21 4BJ
Koobr Ltd.
Registered in England: 08353557
Be sociable
Want to hear more from us? Then here's some of our favourite hangouts...
Jubilee Business Park,
2 Jubilee Pkwy,
Derby DE21 4BJ
Koobr Ltd.
Registered in England: 08353557
Business to business (B2B) markets are complex structures — far more complex than regular marketing on a business to consumer level — influenced by numerous decision makers on both sides, with a heavy focus on statistics and return on investment.
More B2B organisations have begun to embrace new methods of cutting through the shackles of traditional marketing and sales —
Read more about ways to step up your B2B marketing in the digital age here
— yet despite all these technological advances and new ways of engaging audiences, one recent report states five defining factors that truly motivate customers to buy and keep buying, which every business must identify before even thinking about issues like content, the communication channels to deliver it, or contact points within the B2B buying cycle.
As part of a broader guideline for B2B’s to work from, the report by Marketing Profs shows that the tenets for success in sales and marketing remain engrained in the customer buying process — factors which relate specifically in terms of adding value to the customer.
Demonstrating customer value is not exactly a new concept. Chances are, you’ve been actively showing your customers how important they are to your business and can reel off examples where you have gone the extra mile in order to keep them (more than) satisfied.
But have you taken the time to carefully examine and review the key factors that demonstrate added value within the customer buying process? Probably not — at least not for a while, and probably not all of them.
Any B2B product or service can be assessed in terms of all five factors: The response factor implies that maintaining a focused dialogue with customers and identifying and meeting their changing needs is key. Service is a second factor, which means providing an experience that transcends satisfaction by making the buying/using/after-sales processes as pleasurable and painless as possible will always appeal. This ties in neatly with being dependable and consistent with time scales, along with providing quality products and services with a clear and palatable price structure.
Want to improve your business further? Read more about the benefits of a strong customer journey here