Why you need a responsive email template in 2016

Mobile email attributes up to 70% of email opens, depending on your target audience, product and email type.

– eMailmonday

With the number of smartphone users in the UK dominating other forms of internet browsing, as well as the growing number of users at home migrating from desktop to tablet, now is the time to ensure you’re using a responsive email template optimised for mobile.

Email is still widely regarded as one of the most effective platforms for businesses to distribute content and market their products and services. So, it only makes perfect sense to optimise your mailer template to work across all mobile devices.

How responsive email templates can improve your marketing performance

In the same way a non-responsive website renders differently on a mobile device, so does a non-responsive email template, sometimes failing to open altogether. This significantly reduces the number of people successfully reached, whilst negatively effecting your marketing spend, as each unsuccessful email is unlikely to generate any financial return.

69% of users delete emails that aren't optimised for mobile devices

Furthermore, unresponsive emails that fail to open or look clumsy on mobile devices will set a bad precedent for your company image, which can lead to once loyal subscribers unsubscribing from your communication efforts.

Make a good first impression

Be mindful of what you put in your ‘from’ label, subject line and pre-header text (this is the short summary line that follows the subject line when viewed in the inbox), as you only have limited space to get your point across and grab the attention of your readers.

an iPhone displays only the first 30 characters of a subject line.

Make it readable

With such a small amount of screen space available on mobile devices, it’s so important to make mobile-optimised emails as succinct as possible. Avoid long paragraphs in the text-body and place the most relevant information at the top. This will ensure the reason/meaning for your email is understood right away.

Buttons instead of hyperlinks

The mentality for mobile users is to ‘press’ rather than ‘click’, so if you want them to perform specific actions, use a button instead of a hyperlink. Make it easy to spot and clearly signposted to explain why users should press that button – “Tap here to get your free download”, for example – and leave plenty of space around it to prevent any mishaps.

Need help with mobile optimisation or email marketing?

Get in touch and tell us all about it.

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