Wills & Trusts: Legacy and vision — Website case study

Koobr produced a beautiful website that perfectly showcases our organisation online. The team have also helped to improve our online presence, increasing our website traffic through various activities that include social media management, SEO and paid search.

– Stuart Payne, Wills & Trusts

Since working with Koobr, Wills & Trusts has dramatically enhanced its online presence as the result of a new, modern website optimised for both marketing and brand communication purposes.

Forward-thinking while also thinking about legacy

Wills & Trusts is an independently run financial advisory firm, specialising in helping families to grow and secure their wealth for future generations. Currently ranked amongst the top 50 FAs operating in the UK today, the firm is widely regarded for providing expert advice concerning pensions, investments and estate management.

With an outdated website that did not accurately reflect the status of the brand, the company or its services, it was agreed that a new site was required to bring Wills & Trusts’ online presence spectacularly up-to-date. At the same time, recent developments within the business necessitated the requirement for a more flexible website, one that would allow the firm to seamlessly incorporate sub-brands under a single unified umbrella brand — Wills & Trusts Wealth Management. These included a new legal service and a dedicated accountancy practice.

The idea behind the site was to respect the notion of legacy and tradition, while also embracing new directions for the future of the business.

The framework for the new site was established early in the planning process, working closely alongside key members of the Wills & Trusts team. This ensured all service-types were optimally grouped and structured, while other areas of the site were appropriately mapped throughout the overarching navigation. These included a dedicated client login section and an integrated web app. The resulting user journey gave visitors a far more substantial experience than with the previous site, without impeding visitors wanting to browse information succinctly. This was further supported with relevant calls-to-action strategically placed both for user convenience and the purpose of improving conversion.

Content was created from scratch, starting with key brand messaging, establishing an engaging and consistent tone of voice. This was expanded upon to provide descriptive text across all service pages, as well as extensive information about the company, their approach and culture. Once the right tone was established, this was then fed into the visual style — working from the firm’s existing brand identity and applying subtle refreshes to bring it in-line with modern sensibilities. This also included a completely new suite of bespoke icons to help categorise and define services.

Seminar booking made simple

From the very outset, Wills & Trusts wanted to leverage their new site to promote and encourage attendance of their public education seminars — events held across the country inviting potential clients to speak in person with the firm’s team of advisers. In order to achieve this, an interactive map was custom-built, enabling users to search upcoming seminars via location and seamlessly book onto the event via a fully-integrated events management system.

Everything was designed and programmed with full responsiveness in mind — ensuring compatibility across all devices and screen-sizes. Content-management was also built-in, allowing staff to internally update and manage specific pages as and when required.

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